Toby’s Youth Sports Foundation
In 2000, Toby’s launched an age-group tennis tournament, with the support of The Philippine Tennis Association (PHILTA). Also, Toby’s helped young tennis talents to train & compete internationally through Futures Foundation’s ADOPT-A-KID program. Toby’s then went beyond supporting tennis by organizing other annual youth sports tournaments in badminton, basketball, and volleyball. With these activities, Toby’s saw the growing demand to create, provide and sustain sports programs for the youth.
The Toby’s Youth Sports Foundation (TYSF) - is a non- profit foundation established by Toby’s Sports, the pioneer and leading sports retail chain in the country. Toby’s aims to make a difference in the lives of the Filipino youth by providing opportunities for them to grow, through sports, recreation and fitness. Kids who are underprivileged are highly prioritized to be given access to sports programs. Hence, the motto: “HELP KIDS PLAY”.
The Toby’s Youth Sports Foundation aims to develop sports-driven values to the youth, such as sportsmanship, discipline, aspiration, integrity, honesty, responsibility, & camaraderie, in order to contribute in achieving their overall character development. Also, Toby’s believes that the joy and fun of sports will create passion in the hearts of the kids, and that sports will keep the youth away from drug abuse or any harmful social influences.
The Toby’s Youth Sports Foundation aims to develop sports-driven values to the youth, such as sportsmanship, discipline, aspiration, integrity, honesty, responsibility, & camaraderie, in order to contribute in achieving their overall character development. Also, Toby’s believes that the joy and fun of sports will create passion in the hearts of the kids, and that sports will keep the youth away from drug abuse or any harmful social influences.
YSF has nurtured the athletic skills of the youth through sports advocacy events like the Toby's Junior Volleyball League, Summer Tennis Festival and the Youth Badminton Championships, which have produced athletes who reached collegiate and pro levels --- like volleyball standouts Tin Agno, Mikaela Esperanza, Jia Morado; tennis stars Jessica Agra, Nino Alcantara, Ralph Kevin Barte, Kyle Dandan; badminton aces Gelita Castillo, Joper Escueta, Malvinne Alcala, among others.

TYSF has also supported other organizations such as:
- L.I.F.E. (Leukemic Indigents Fund Endowment), by creating an atmosphere of closeness & camaraderie among indigent child cancer patients, thru its sports & other team-building activities
- JCI Manila and Gawad Kalinga in its SMOKEY MOUNTAIN FIELD OF DREAMS, a sports field development project plus baseball tournament and baseball equipment donation

Last 2015, the Toby’s Youth Sports Foundation was awarded with the BEST Sports Corporate Social Responsibility Initiative during the first annual Asia Sports Industry Awards organized by MMC Sportz and Sport360 and sanctioned by the Philippines Sports Commission and the Philippines Olympic Committee. TYSF was awarded through its 13-year CSR program called SPORTS FOR HOPE, where teens rehabilitating from drug abuse in Bahay Bagong Buhay Rehabilitation Center in Taguig Manila are the beneficiaries. The annual CSR program includes donation of sports equipment, inspirational talks through qualified resource persons, entertainment activities and sports clinics/games. During the program, the children are also given food and gifts usually composed of hygienic products, toiletries, beddings, shirts and slippers.
“We continue to provide a venue for promising young athletes to showcase their talent because we believe in the Filipino youth and we want to be a part of their development” - Roberto Claudio (Chairman, Toby’s Youth Sports Foundation)