My SHE GOT THIS story by @laceang

My SHE GOT THIS story by @laceang

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"Older is not weaker, regardless of gender. Getting into sports at an advanced age is a challenge, especially for women. At 45, my body is going through a lot of physiological changes that naturally come with age. More often than not, these are not openly talked about or considered in training programs due to lack of knowledge or information. Age IS a number, but don’t let this be a limiting factor. To the women out there, never think or let anyone lead you to believe that you have a very short window for your prime. Be ambitious with your goals at any age. Believe in what you are capable of, and always take pride in what you are able to accomplish."

Lace Ang (@laceang), Yoga Teacher & runner


Every girl is #MadeForSport so celebrate the fearless athlete in you today with @tobyssports and go show the world how you truly are a superHERo🦸

#SheGotThis #WeGotThis
1 minute read

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